The Well

We exist to cultivate a culture for more of God.

If you're looking for a community of people open to responding to the heart of God

you've found your home.

We believe salvation doesn't stop at an introduction, but that it's just the beginning. We know there is more to be discovered about, through, and in Christ. 

We exist to facilitate an encounter with God.

John 4:10 "If you only knew the gift that God wants to give to you- you'd ask me for a drink and I would give to you living water."

Jesus waited at the well for the Samaritan woman to offer her a drink of eternal water. She thought she was serving him, but he was serving her a banquet of eternal, life saving water. She had a past that brought her shame, but Jesus offered her a drink from the fountain of God. 

What We Believe

God The father

In three distinct and individual persons all in one
         -  God the Father
         -  God the Son
         -  God the Holy Spirit
God is good
God loves us unconditionally

Jesus the savior

Jesus was born of the virgin Mary

Jesus gave himself, spilled his blood, for our salvation and healing

Jesus is the only way to the Father

Jesus is alive

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us as the comforter after He took His place in heaven, next to Father God

Holy Spirit of God

We receive an impartation of the Holy Spirit with salvation through Christ Jesus

The Holy Spirit empowers us with spiritual gifts meant to be released through us in our obedience to Him

Encounter Times


Join us every Sunday morning at 10 am for worship followed by a sermon from our Pastors. 

Children's Encounter at 10 am


Need something to fill your Tuesday evening? 

Come to Praise and Presence at 6:30 pm every Tuesday. 

No Children's Ministry


Intercessory Prayer

Starting at 9a join our intercessory prayer team. 

For more details call or text (833) 408-8679